Squads before numbering
Commenced May 7, 1968
Completed June 29, 1968

Squad numbering had not commenced at this stage Squad Members List Allen, Jeff Arnold, Harry Baldwin, Mike Brabin, Roger Burke, Maurie Charge, Ken Dredge, Phil Hunt, Chris Mabbs, Ivan Martin, Laurie Parker, Greg Pratt, Malcolm (did not graduate) Preston, Geoff Rees, Graham Schindler, Heinz Seears, George Shepherd, Alan Woolley, Pat Wright, Geoff Squad Staff and Graduation Guests Sgt Frank Cronshaw Chief Inspector Jim Mannion Comm. Bill McLaren Administrator Roger Dean Supt. Syd Bowie The NTMPHS Database shows Reg. No.s from 311 - 329 07/05/1968 Allen D J N 311 PO 6/20/74 569 186 07/05/1968 Arnold Henry John 312 PO 8/11/94 570 187 07/05/1968 Baldwin M L 313 PO 3/22/73 571 188 07/05/1968 Brabin Roger 314 PO 8/5/87 572 189 07/05/1968 Burke Maurice Victor 315 PO 2/13/01 573 190 07/05/1968 Charge Ken L 316 PO 9/2/71 574 191 07/05/1968 Dredge Phillip Keith 317 PO 1/11/01 575 192 07/05/1968 Hunt Chris 318 PO 2/23/81 576 1160 07/05/1968 Mabbs Ivan A 319 PO 577 1402 07/05/1968 Martin Leslie D 320 PO 11/6/69 578 1459 07/05/1968 Parker Greg J 321 PO 12/28/69 579 1732 07/05/1968 Pratt M G 329 PO 6/5/68 580 1808 07/05/1968 Preston Geoffrey Walter 322 PO 8/22/86 581 1810 07/05/1968 Rees Graham Jeffery 323 PO 10/5/94 582 1856 07/05/1968 Schindler Heinz U 324 PO 6/20/70 583 1952 07/05/1968 Seears George H 325 PO 8/15/94 584 1968 07/05/1968 Shepherd Alan Ronald 326 PO 7/5/79 585 1985 07/05/1968 Woolley Patrick F 327 PO 3/26/69 586 2367 07/05/1968 Wright Geoffrey C 328 PO 2/13/78 587 2372