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HARVEY, Roy 'Bluey'


DOB 30/9/34

Appointed 13/6/1957

Promoted Constable First Class 13/6/1965

Promoted Senior Constable 13/6/1972

Retired (Medically) 2/2/1978

Married (Margaret Craven – former member)

Died 1/2/2010

Bluey was a likeable and generous fellow, with a sense of humour. He was posted to GD Alice Springs soon after his appointment, and transferred back to Darwin either late 1959 or early 1960. Again he worked in General Duties and relieved in CIB for a short time. In early 1962 he took over Wave Hill Police Station.

It is not known how long he served at Wave Hill but he was still stationed there in early 1967. At one stage he served at Katherine but it is not certain whether it was before or after his stint at Mataranka.

He had some years at Mataranka and may have transferred there within a year or so of his leaving Wave Hill – he was obviously still at Mataranka in 1969 and may have remained there for some years after the Larry Boy search, I don’t think he was back in Darwin when the Cyclone hit Darwin in December 1974 but he may have spent some time in Katherine before he returned to Darwin. He served in Darwin until his retirement in early 1978.

The Editorial in the Northern Territory News dated Friday November 1 1968 states in part:

"Constable "Bluey" Harvey's efforts must surely go down as one of the outstanding performances in the history of bush manhunts. This bushman-police officer, at time, obviously worn to a frazzle with nerves on razor-edge, did not spare himself for any day of the 40 straight on the epic search.

His effort must have been something of an inspiration to others, and with residents of the area and others who took part in the search. The News expresses the hope that some form of recognition will come his way."

The Editorial then goes on to say:

"All concerned are to be commended for the patience and determination shown and the careful handling of what could have been a difficult, even dangerous ending to a manhunt that will go down as one of the most remarkable yet ... if for no other reason that the ability of the man sought to elude for so long a concentrated effort to find him within the boundaries of the station itself."

Bluey ended up with pneumonia and most of the other police searchers went down with illnesses - including boils.

Bluey loved the police life and got on well with Aboriginals and Europeans alike. He became probably the most highly respected "bush cop" in the Territory in his time.

The fierce sun, heat and dust played hell with his skin and he was retired on medical grounds and left the force officially on September 21 1977.

There is only one entry on Bluey Harvey's Personal Service File that relates to the Larry Boy search. It says:

"Outstanding Cases: He was responsible for the arrest of 'Larry Boy' wanted for murder at Elsey Station."


Letter from RPANT to the Commissioner in 1999

Commissioner B Bates PO Box 39764 WINNELLIE NT 0821 Dear Mr Bates I refer to conversations held between yourself and Mr Graham Rees and Mr John Woodcock from the Retired Police Association earlier this year. This relates to the possibility of having former Senior Constable Roy "Bluey" Harvey awarded with a Commissioner's Commendation for his efforts in relation to the search and subsequent arrest of "Larry Boy Janba" in the Elsey Station district in 1968. The attached summary of events has been compiled from a variety of documents, including Harvey's Personal File, newspaper clippings from the event and an article written by Harvey for the NT Police News magazine. Attempts were made to locate the actual file on the case but our enquiries have failed to find it. This summary is submitted for your information and subsequent approval of the Commendation. It is suggested that this Commendation be presented to "Bluey" at the forthcoming reunion. He is to be presented with his 20 year "Police Service Medal" at the Minister's Reception on 28 September at Parliament House. It is suggested that Harvey be the last one to receive his medal, thereby providing an opportunity to present the Commendation at the same time. We look forward to receiving your advice on this matter. Yours sincerely Janell Cox Secretary 31 August 1999

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The society expresses its gratitude for the considerable help and support it receives from the
Northern Territory Police Force and the Northern Territory Police Association.


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