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Squad 1964 - February

Squads before numbering

Commenced 3 February 1964

Squad Alphabetical List from photo



Tony GODWIN (not in NTPM list in this range - Reg No 199)

Jimmy GREEN Geoff HOSKING Terry O’BRIEN Anne OLERENSHAW (spelt Olfrenshaw in NTPMHS database) Pat SMITH Bill STEVENS Dave SWIFT Squad Staff and Dignitaries Deputy Commissioner Clive Graham Chief Inspector Syd Bowie Inspector Lou Hook Sergeant 1/C Roger Textor. Margaret SAWYER From NTPMHS database - Reg. No.s 218 to 226 (and 199 in photo) 22/01/1964 Chalker Robin 218 PO 4/3/96 475 153 03/02/1964 Chapman R A 219 PO 9/23/64 476 154 03/02/1964 Green James 220 PO 6/23/74 477 155 03/02/1964 Hosking Geoffrey Francis 221 PO 478 1139 03/02/1964 O'Brien Terrence 222 PO 1/12/97 479 1690 03/02/1964 Smith P M 223 po 8/25/65 480 2040 03/02/1964 Stevens Godfrey William 224 PO 12/30/97 481 2073 03/02/1964 Swift David Frederick 225 PO 12/16/96 482 2110 11/02/1964 Olfrenshaw Anne 226 PO 3/10/65 483 1701


photo here

Back Row (L to R) Dave SWIFT, Robin CHALKER, Jimmy GREEN, Bill STEVENS, Tony GODWIN, Terry O’BRIEN, Geoff HOSKING, Roger CHAPMAN. Front Row (L to R) Pat SMITH, Anne OLERENSHAW, Chief Inspector Syd Bowie, Deputy Commissioner Clive Graham, Inspector Lou Hook, Margaret SAWYER, Sergeant 1/C Roger Textor.

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